November 13, 2021
9:00 am - 5:00 pm all-day
2021 Venturee
Where: John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
102601 Overseas Highway, Key largo, FL, 33037
Mile Marker 102.5 – Oceanside
Who: For all Venture Crew Members
What: Venturee 2021
The Venturee will be held at John Pennekamp in Key Largo from 9 AM to 5 PM, as a day event.
We will have kayaks, games and an all around a fun day. The park offers fishing, swimming, snorkeling with your own equipment and so much more! We will provide lunch and a patch. For all aquatics-—all crews must have their swim tests completed by the date of the event, Please use the National Swim Test Form BSA Swim Test Classification Form
The registration price is $17 until November 6th.
Plus each participant will need to pay the park entrance fee upon arrival to enter the park.
Hope to see everyone at Venturee on November 13th!
Info: For Event questions and further info…
Alternate Contact- VOA Staff Advisor:
or 305-364-0020