Outdoor Session
November 19, 2022 - November 20, 2022
4:30 pm - 3:30 am
This event has been postponed.
Please contact for any questions.
What is it?
IOLS- Introduction To Outdoor Leader Skills- The Outdoor Training for all Scouts BSA and Venture Leaders
In order to provide the best quality program for the boys in your troop, it is essential that all Scouts BSA Leaders complete training for their position. It is also recommended that all leaders and/or registered adult members of a troop, complete all trainings offered below, so that they get a full understanding of the Scouts BSA program. In order to be trained, all leaders must also complete Youth Protection Training before September 12th (available online at www.my.scouting.org). Proof of training completion will be requested.
For More Info Please Contact : Enrique Rogers Phoenix District Training Chair
No Refund for Fees Paid
Where: St Faiths Episcopal
Venue: St Faith Episcopal Church