September 19, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm all-day
Geology Merit Badge
When: September 19, 2020 & September 26, 2020
Where: Online
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm
Cost: $20.00
Register online at: Click Here
For information, call Diane Hickman at (305) 709-3046
Ginny Anderson at (305) 709-2882
Click the link to see the requirements for the Reading Merit Badge: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/Merit_Badge_ReqandRes/Geology.pdf
You will have from September 19, 2020 until September 26, 2020, to have all your requirements completed.
Requirements will be given out on September 19, 2020, during class.
The ZOOM link will be sent via email, please register with the email you want the link to go to.
Recharge your Cyber Chip if
necessary, at;
Attending the class does not guarantee the completion of a merit badge.
No refunds
This is not a program for Cub Scouts
Last Day to Register is September 16, 2020 or when class is full.
Flyer: Geology Merit Badge