May 16, 2022
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Cub Scout Shooting Sports Rangemaster Training
Open to BSA Registered Adult Leaders over 21 years old
Upon completion you will receive your Training Certification Card. All persons running a BB Gun, Slingshot or Archery Range at a District or Council run Cub Scout events as a Rangemaster MUST have this training. All participant’s attending this FREE class will be required and must agree to assist as the Rangemaster at three Range Programs at Camp Elmore, in addition to at least One Council run Camporee- (Scoutmaster ‘s Camporee or Lincoln Marti, Webelos Jamboree), or at a Council Cub Scout Fun Day or Cub Scout Day Camp during the following year.
By becoming trained you can also now be the Rangemaster for when your District comes out to Camp Elmore for a scheduled Camporee or Cuboree. Trained Rangemasters may also be the Rangemaster when your own Unit comes to camp and reserves a Range. The Unit will then save the expense of paying for a Council Rangemaster and will only need to pay for their 3 hour Range time.
You must renew this training every two years. BB Guns and Archery Programs may NOT be run/used outside of Council or District pre-approved and organized events or activities, and may not be run at the Pack level. Rangemaster may not serve once they have expired unless they renew this training. The Cub Scout Shooting Sports Award Program may not be run unless pre approved by Cliff Freiwald– Staff Advisor- SF Council Shooting Sports Committee
Only ONE registrations will be accepted from any one Cub Scout Pack (Unless each person is registered to work at Cub Scout Day Camp 2022), all registrations are subject to approval by the Course Instructor prior to final acceptance to attend. All registrants will be notified if accepted within a week of registering
NO WALK INS will be permitted-Registration CLOSES on 5/13 at 11PM, or once FULL
Only properly pre-registered participants may attend this training.
Course preference will be given to those working at Council Cub Scout Day Camp in June 2022
No person may participate, or be on the Camp Elmore property whom:
- Has a temperature greater than 100 degrees. Parents/Guardians included
- Has any COVID symptoms.
- Has been exposed to any person whom has had COVID within the last 07 days
- If you were tested for COVID (for any reason) in the last 07 days, and you have not already received back NEGATIVE results do not participate
Adult leader Training Only- no guests or youth may be brought due to limited & social distancing space required.
Classes taught by certified Cub Scout Shooting Sports Rangemaster Instructor
Camp Elmore Leaders Lodge
3301 Boy Scout Road (SW 142 Ave), Davie, Fl. 33330
Class will be from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM- must attend and arrive on time
Class size will be limited to 12 Registered Adult Leaders-
Registration does NOT guarantee acceptance you will be notified of your acceptance for this course
For more info or to discuss this program please contact:
Cliff Freiwald, Director of Support Services
Venue: Camp Elmore
Venue Website: https://sfcbsa.org/camps/camp-elmore/