Non Unit Membership Fee
August 31, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
This payment link is for all existing or new members that do not have a PAID Membership in a BSA–Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship.
If you are with the District, Council, or you are a Scouter Reserve at the District or Council level, this is the link for you!
The membership term is from January 1st to December 31st each year.
** I understand that a current background check form is required to be registered. CBC Authorization
** I understand that current Youth Protection Training is required to be registered. LINK
** If I am new to my District or Council position, a BSA Adult Application may be required. Adult App
To be recorded and added to your record- all forms, applications, certificate of completion or verification can be sent to
Lone Cub or Lone Scout $75 (+ $48 Council Fee) + 3% Credit Card = $126.69
NEW Lone Cub or Lone Scout $75 (+ $48 Council Fee) + $25 New Member Fee + 3% Credit Card = $152.44
Lone Cub Counselor / Lone Scout Counselor $48 (+ $48 Council Fee) + 3% Credit Card = $98.88
District / Council Adult Membership $48 (+ $48 Council Fee) + 3% Credit Card = $98.88
Scout Life Magazine $12 + $1 Credit Card fee = $13 per subscription
Executive Committee Dues (Covers meals for meetings) (11 meetings): $275
Executive Board Dues (Covers meals for meetings) (6 meetings): $150