•  February 17, 2021
     7:00 am - 8:55 pm


Silver Beaver Nominations are now being accepted for the South Florida Council 2020 Silver Beaver Award.    Nomination Form Click 2020 Silver Beaver Nomination Form

Selected individuals will be recognized for their noteworthy service to others on April 18, 2021, at the Annual Council Recognition Banquet at Signature Grand. This is the highest award a BSA Scout Council can bestow on a volunteer. Please consider nominating those whom meet the criteria within your District or Council for this award to honor their service. 
Please consider nominating deserving individuals. People may often think that someone else has surely already nominated an specific adult. However without a nomination being received the award cannot be considered and a deserving person may not receive this recognition.     
At the Annual Council Recognition Banquet we will also recognize our 
2020 Eagle Scouts, Venturing Summit and other Special Awards recipients.
All Scouts, Venturers and their Families are invited to attend


These will all be presented at the 2021 Council Recognition Dinner on April 18, 2021.


Silver Beaver Nomination Form  2020 Silver Beaver Nomination Form

All nominations are due on or before March 1st, 2021, to be considered. 


More Info?         Cliff Freiwald, 305.364.0020 x 213 or

The  2021 Council Recognition Dinner link